Buy Japanese Stone Lantern Kasuga Gata for sale, Authentic Japanese Stone Lanterns for Sale

Japanese Stone Lantern Kasuga Gata
  • Japanese Stone Lantern Kasuga Gata - YO01010118
  • Japanese Stone Lantern Kasuga Gata - YO01010118
  • Japanese Stone Lantern Kasuga Gata - YO01010118

Item description - YO01010118 Japanese Stone Lantern Kasuga Gata - Japanese stone lantern, in Japanese Toro, or Tourou. The earliest were introduced to Japan from China through Korea along with Buddhism. Stone lanterns, or Ishidourou, were used first as votive lights at temples and shrines. Later they were used to light the ground of these religious precincts. Secular use began in the 16c. when stone lanterns were used by tea masters for gardens surrounding their tea huts.

Almost all Japanese stone lanterns are divided into separate parts. From bottom to top, the base: Kiso, the pilar: Sao, firebox base: Chudai, the firebox: Hibukuro, the roof: Kasa and the jewel: Houju.

The Japanese stone Lantern Kasuga Gata is the most popular stone lantern all over Japan. Originated at the Kasuga Shrine in Nara Japan. Often features a carved deer on the firebox. The umbrella, the firebox and the firebox base are hexagonal in shape. The base is decorated with lotus petals.

• Origin: Nagoya
• Material: Hirukawa stone
• Age: Edo-Meiji Period

Model and sizes

Model: Length: Width: Height: Price:
YO01010118 70 cm 70 cm 230 cm € 3450.00

EUR: 3450.00  ≈  EUR:  3450.00

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