Your authentic Japanese garden created by specialised landscapers

Building a true Japanese garden
The Yokoso landscapers create the most authentic Japanese gardens for businesses and private individuals.
In contrast to a regular garden, a great amount of expertise is needed when constructing a real Japanese
garden. In which way the garden is constructed strongly depends on multiple factors such as the situation
of the garden and the different available perspectives. Naturally, the composition was already established
during the design process. Nevertheless, the precise placement of ornaments and positioning of garden
elements for example are all done by our specialized landscapers during the construction process.
Traditionally the construction of a Japanese garden always begins with placing the rocks and stones. In
the first Japanese garden manual, the Sakuteiki, creating a garden is described as ‘Ishi wo taten koto'.
This is ancient Japanese for ‘Setting stones upright’. In the Sakuteiki very specific guidelines are laid
out when it comes to the placement and positioning of rocks and stones. If this does not happen in the
correct way, it will greatly affect the authenticity of the Japanese garden. Specialized professionals
with proper knowledge and understanding are crucial when creating a true Japanese garden. After the
rocks and stones are integrated, the other garden elements can be implemented.
Atmospheric and scenery effects
Factors we cannot directly detect, but that have a significant added value to the Japanese garden are important
to pay attention to during the construction process. Think of scents, sound and movement. Integrating garden
elements such as flowing water, rustling bamboo or plants with a pleasant scent in the correct spot creates
these subtle atmospheric effects that take the experience of the garden to a whole new level. In Japan, the
intriguing word Fuzei (風情) is used to describe this phenomenon.
The construction process
After the design process, we would like to invite you to our Japanese garden center in Boskoop to select the
needed materials and ornaments for your Japanese dream garden. Afterwards, the construction process can be
scheduled to fit your personal agenda. We will manage the transport to perfectly coincide with the
construction plans so our specialized team can immediately start. Additionally, we can arrange the needed
machines and vehicles like a crane or forklift.
Contact Yokoso Japanese Gardens