Japanese Trees & Plants - Information

Life of the Japanese Garden
The variety of trees, shrubs and plants belonging to the Japanese garden is fairly modest. A basic principle
of the Japanese garden is that it should be a reflection of nature. Just like in nature, trees and plants
have to co-exist in a harmonious way, without certain species standing out or feeling out of place. Respecting
this principle results in a very natural Japanese garden that represents unity and harmony.
Most trees and plants of the Japanese garden require certain methods to keep them in optimal condition. Yokoso
Japanese Gardens has years of experience with this and gladly provides knowledgeable advice if needed.
Niwaki, Unmatched Aesthetics of Shaped Trees
Shaped trees or Niwaki (庭木), a Japanese term that literally translates to garden trees, are a staple of the
Japanese garden. Shaped trees are basically trees that are pruned in a specialized manner by experts to create
very special elegant shapes. Think of the very famous cloud pruned trees for example. Next to the Eastern
essence that a Niwaki adds to a garden, they also play a significant role in the structure of the garden.
Well-known and renowned Niwaki species are among others the Japanese White Pine, Goyōmatsu (ゴヨウマツ),
and the Japanese Black Pine, Kuromatsu (黒松).
Evergreens and Groundcover
The Japanese garden often uses evergreens, which are plants that maintain their green color all throughout the
year. This way the garden is always elegant and in the best condition. Most evergreens are part of the Taxus
species. The Taxus shrubs are often pruned in round shapes in order to symbolize far away mountain landscapes.
Although flowers are rarely associated with the Japanese garden, blooming trees and shrubs are often applied to add
color to the garden. Azaleas and Rhododendrons are for example found in many gardens in Japan. This also rings true
for the Wisteria Floribunda. This wood like Japanese climber plant can grow up to nine meters in height.
Groundcover plants are used to create an elegant balance in combination with gravel or pebbles. These elements
often meet in a natural meandering manner to accentuate the different sections of the garden. Often used groundcover
plants in the Japanese garden are the Japanese Snakes Beard (Ophiopogon Japonicus) and Brass Buttons (Leptinella
Authentic Japanese Trees, Shrubs and Plants For Sale
Our Japanese garden center is unique outside of Japan and we would be happy to invite you for a visit! We have a
wide range of original Japanese ornaments, rocks, decorations, plants and trees in our collection. Yokoso Japanese
Gardens is the perfect place to find the ideal authentic Japanese tree, shrub or plant for your Japanese garden.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you want to make an appointment.
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