Buy Chozuya, Japanese Chozubachi for sale, Authentic Japanese Stone Tsukubai Chozubachi Water Basins for Sale

Chozuya, Japanese Chozubachi
  • Chozuya, Japanese Chozubachi - YO03010112
  • Chozuya, Japanese Chozubachi - YO03010112
  • Chozuya, Japanese Chozubachi - YO03010112
  • Chozuya, Japanese Chozubachi - YO03010112

Item description - YO03010112 Chozuya, Japanese Chozubachi - A Chōzubachi (手水鉢) is an ornamental waterbassin found in the traditional Japanese garden. It is used for the ritual washing of the hands and rinsing of the mouth before a person is allowed to participate in the tea ceremony or enter holy grounds such as Buddhist temples or Shinto shrines. Loosely translated Chōzubachi means waterbassin for the hands.

A Chōzuya (手水舎) is a small pavilion located at the entrance of a Japanese holy site like a Shinto shrine or Buddhist temple. Chōzuya can be translated as: the hut where you wash your hands. This describes its function perfectly. It namely features a large Chōzubachi which can be used by multiple people at the same time. The ritual washing of the hands and rinsing of the mouth at a Chōzuya is an important part of respecting the holy grounds you are planning to enter.
This very unique and special Chōzubachi was once part of a Chōzuya at a holy site in Japan.

• Origin: Nagoya, Aichi prefecture
• Material: Shirakawa stone (白川石)
• Age: Edo-Meiji Period

Model and sizes

Model: Length: Width: Height: Price:
YO03010112 60 cm 110 cm 60 cm € 3200.00

EUR: 3200.00  ≈  EUR:  3200.00

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#ChozuyaChozubachi #TsukubaiArrangement #JapaneseStoneWaterOrnament #JapaneseWaterBowl #JapaneseWaterBasin #JapaneseWashBasin #JapaneseWaterstone #AngularWaterOrnament #TempleBasin #EngravedWaterOrnament #JapaneseAntiques #Nagoya #ShirakawaStone #EdoPeriod #MeijiPeriod Copy


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