Buy Aoishi Stone, Japanese Ornamental Rock for sale, Authentic Japanese Rocks, Stones and Boulders for Sale

Aoishi Stone, Japanese Ornamental Rock
  • Aoishi Stone, Japanese Ornamental Rock - YO06010143
  • Aoishi Stone, Japanese Ornamental Rock - YO06010143
  • Aoishi Stone, Japanese Ornamental Rock - YO06010143
  • Aoishi Stone, Japanese Ornamental Rock - YO06010143

Item description - YO06010143 Aoishi Stone, Japanese Ornamental Rock - The first written guide on Japanese landscaping, the Sakuteiki, describes creating gardens as: Ishi wo taten koto (石を立てん事). This translates to setting stones upright, a description that greatly emphasizes the importance of these elements within the Japanese garden.

Traditionally applying ornamental rocks, Niwaishi (庭石) in Japanese, forms the basis of practically every Japanese garden. The setting of stones is always the first step, after which the garden is formed together with all the other elements surrounding it.

An authentic Japanese garden needs to evoke a certain natural essence. Rocks and stones play a significant role regarding this principle as they are pure elements, taken straight from nature.

Aoishi is Japanese for blue-green stone, in clear reference to the recognizable color of the stone type. This typical discoloration is caused by a significant amount of copper and/or sulfur in the rock.

stones with a green-like color are often applied in the Japanese garden with good reason. stones are traditionally seen as a representation of hills and mountains. Most hills and mountains in Japan feature a lot of vegetation, making them appear green for the majority. This gives Aoishi stones an extra layer of symbolism.

• Origin: Nagoya, Aichi prefecture, Japan
• Material: Aoishi stone (青石)

Model and sizes

Model: Length: Width: Height: Price:
YO06010143 70 cm 110 cm 35 cm € 775.00

EUR: 775.00  ≈  EUR:  775.00

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