Buy Shikoku Stone Table Set, Japanese Stone Garden Table Set for sale, Authentic Japanese Garden Decorations and Ornaments for Sale

Shikoku Stone Table Set, Japanese Stone Garden Table Set
  • Shikoku Stone Table Set, Japanese Stone Garden Table Set - YO07010174
  • Shikoku Stone Table Set, Japanese Stone Garden Table Set - YO07010174
  • Shikoku Stone Table Set, Japanese Stone Garden Table Set - YO07010174
  • Shikoku Stone Table Set, Japanese Stone Garden Table Set - YO07010174
  • Shikoku Stone Table Set, Japanese Stone Garden Table Set - YO07010174
  • Shikoku Stone Table Set, Japanese Stone Garden Table Set - YO07010174
  • Shikoku Stone Table Set, Japanese Stone Garden Table Set - YO07010174

Item description - YO07010174 Shikoku Stone Table Set, Japanese Stone Garden Table Set - Within the world of Japanese landscaping, private gardens in particular, stone tables can often be found that are used for recreational purposes surrounded by mesmerizing traditional landscapes and architecture. When compared to tables of other materials, a stone table is preferred by many because of its natural essence that makes it blend into the environment beautifully. A fusion between the personal living space and the garden.

Shikoku stones, also known as Iyo stones, are very valuable and full of character. The stone type is seen as national cultural heritage by the Japanese government, making export very difficult. Thanks to the strong bond we share with our Japanese partners, we are able to offer these mesmerizing blue-green stones in our collection. Stones as they are only found in Japan.

This unique set consists of a garden table, in two parts, and four separate stone benches that have to be placed around the table. In case your projects needs more benches, these can be added. Additionally, a bench can also be removed which results in a reduced set price. Please feel free to contact us for the possibilities.

• Origin: Ehime Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan
• Material: Shikoku stone (四国石) / Iyo stone (伊予石)
• Age: Meiji Period

Model and sizes

Model: Length: Width: Height: Price:
YO07010174 105 cm 225 cm 70 cm € 7475.00

35% discount! EUR: 11500.00  ≈  EUR:  7475.00

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