Buy Rankan Ishidoro, Japanese Stone Bridge Pole Lantern for sale, Authentic Japanese Stone Lanterns for Sale

Rankan Ishidoro, Japanese Stone Bridge Pole Lantern
  • Rankan Ishidoro, Japanese Stone Bridge Pole Lantern - YO01010086
  • Rankan Ishidoro, Japanese Stone Bridge Pole Lantern - YO01010086
  • Rankan Ishidoro, Japanese Stone Bridge Pole Lantern - YO01010086

Item description - YO01010086
Rankan Ishidoro, Japanese Stone Bridge Pole Lantern - Stone lanterns, Ishidōrō (石灯籠) in Japanese, are without a doubt the most characteristic part of the traditional Japanese garden. The phenomenon originated from China more than a thousand years ago, from there it spread to Korea and eventually was integrated into Japanese culture as well. All Japanese holy sites, such as Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines, use stone lanterns as sacred light sources. During the 16th century, stone lanterns became very popular among Japanese tea masters and they were used to light the path through the tea garden leading towards the tea house. Ever since then, one or multiple stone lanterns are featured in almost every traditional Japanese garden.

This stone lantern is a special piece as it is actually an old bridge pole, known as Rankan (欄干) in Japanese. The Rankan used to be on the side of a bridge, but now has a new life as an element of the Japanese garden. Repurposing old items like this is a common practice within Japanese landscaping and perfectly captures the feeling of Wabi-Sabi.

Carved Japanese text regarding the building period can be seen on the side of the Rankan. It reads 二年一月建納, which means that it was completed in January of year 2. This refers to the second year of the Meiji period, the Japanese equivalent of 1869.

• Origin: Nagoya, Aichi prefecture, Japan
• Material: Hirukawa stone (蛭川石)
• Age: Meiji Period (1869)

Model and sizes

Model: Length: Width: Height: Price:
YO01010086 30 cm 30 cm 110 cm € 3250.00

EUR: 3250.00  ≈  EUR:  3250.00

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#RankanIshidoro #JapaneseStoneLantern #Ikekomidoro #JapaneseToro #JapaneseGardenLantern #JapaneseGraniteLantern #JapaneseTempleLantern #JapaneseBridgeLantern #JapaneseAntiques #Nagoya #HirukawaStone #MeijiPeriod Copy


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