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Kaeru Natsume Chozubachi, Japanese Tsukubai Water Basin
Item description - YO03010306
Kaeru Natsume Chozubachi, Japanese Tsukubai Water Basin - A Chōzubachi (手水鉢) is an ornamental water basin found in the traditional Japanese garden. It is used for the ritual washing of the hands and rinsing of the mouth before a person is allowed to participate in the tea ceremony or before entering holy grounds such as Buddhist temples or Shinto shrines. The word Chōzubachi directly translates to: Water basin for the hands.
This Chōzubachi can beautifully be used in a traditional Tsukubai arrangement. In this authentic set-up, specific functional stones named Yaku-ishi (役石) are placed around the Chōzubachi. The stones placed on either side are called Teshoke-ishi (手燭石) and Yuoke-ishi (湯桶石), while the Stepping stone in the front is called Mae-ishi (前石). A stone Ikekomi lantern can also be placed behind the Chōzubachi together with a tree and various plants. Additionally, a Hishaku bamboo ladle and a water supplying Shishi Odoshi are frequently integrated in the arrangement.
The term Tsukubai is a conjugation of the verb Tsukubau (蹲う), which means to bow or to crouch down. This is not only in reference to how the arrangement is practically used, but also emphasizing the importance of humbleness. An aspect that can be considered the core of Japanese society and culture as a whole.
This specific Chōzubachi is known as Natsume (棗), which means ziziphus jujuba or Chinese date. This name was given because the distinct shape of the Chōzubachi strongly resembles this fruit.
This unique Natsume Chōzubachi features three beautiful ornamental frog carvings. Within Japanese culture frogs are seen as a symbol of luck and prosperity. This is because the Japanese word for frog, Kaeru (蛙), has the same pronunciation as the verb to return, Kaeru (帰る). Returning people and objects are herein seen as a sign of good fortune. This thought is the foundation for having a frog shaped ornament in the garden, as it would bring good fortune to its owner and even visitors.
Specifications • Origin: Nagoya, Aichi prefecture, Japan • Material: Shirakawa stone (白川石) • Age: Shōwa Period
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