Buy Japanese Buddha Head Granite for sale, Authentic Japanese Garden Decorations and Ornaments for Sale

Japanese Buddha Head Granite
  • Japanese Buddha Head Granite - YO07010006
  • Japanese Buddha Head Granite - YO07010006
  • Japanese Buddha Head Granite - YO07010006
  • Japanese Buddha Head Granite - YO07010006
  • Japanese Buddha Head Granite - YO07010006

Item description - YO07010006 Japanese Buddha Head Granite - Wonderful hand carved granite authentic Buddha head statue. The Buddha head is in a beautiful state and should not misstand in a museum or gallery. The Buddha head is probably depicted after Amida Buddha.

Amida is a celestial Buddha according to the scriptures of Mahayana Buddhism. Amitabha is the principal Buddha in Pure Land Buddhism, a branch of Japanese Buddhism.

• Origin: Nagoya
• Material: Hirukawa stone
• Age: Edo Period

Model and sizes

Model: Length: Width: Height: Price:
YO07010006 45 cm 45 cm 70 cm € 4750.00

EUR: 4750.00  ≈  EUR:  4750.00

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#JapaneseBuddhaHead #JapaneseGraniteStatue #StoneBuddhaStatue #JapaneseStatue #ZenGardenOrnament #ZenStatue #JapaneseZenBuddha #JapaneseGardenOrnament #JapaneseAntiques #Nagoya #HirukawaStone #EdoPeriod Copy


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