Buy Ishi no Neko, Japanese Stone Cat Statue for sale, Authentic Japanese Garden Decorations and Ornaments for Sale

Ishi no Neko, Japanese Stone Cat Statue
  • Ishi no Neko, Japanese Stone Cat Statue - YO07010164
  • Ishi no Neko, Japanese Stone Cat Statue - YO07010164
  • Ishi no Neko, Japanese Stone Cat Statue - YO07010164
  • Ishi no Neko, Japanese Stone Cat Statue - YO07010164
  • Ishi no Neko, Japanese Stone Cat Statue - YO07010164
  • Ishi no Neko, Japanese Stone Cat Statue - YO07010164

Item description - YO07010164 Ishi no Neko, Japanese Stone Cat Statue - stone cat statues, Ishi no Neko (石の猫) in Japanese, are a unique addition to any garden. Cats are very loved in Japan and are seen as a symbol of good fortune. Next to this, cats are said to protect people from evil entities within Japanese culture, and are featured in many prominent folktales. The various supernatural cats of Japanese folklore are known as Kaibyō (かいびょう), the Maneki-neko or beckoning cat being a prime example.

• Origin: Nagoya, Aichi prefecture, Japan
• Material: Yōganseki stone (溶岩石) - Japanese Lava stone
• Age: Meiji Period

Model and sizes

Model: Length: Width: Height: Price:
YO07010164 18 cm 28 cm 11 cm € 175.00

EUR: 175.00  ≈  EUR:  175.00

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