Buy Dosojin Carved Stone, Japanese Statue for sale, Authentic Japanese Garden Decorations and Ornaments for Sale

Dosojin Carved Stone, Japanese Statue
  • Dosojin Carved Stone, Japanese Statue - YO07010232
  • Dosojin Carved Stone, Japanese Statue - YO07010232
  • Dosojin Carved Stone, Japanese Statue - YO07010232
  • Dosojin Carved Stone, Japanese Statue - YO07010232
  • Dosojin Carved Stone, Japanese Statue - YO07010232
  • Dosojin Carved Stone, Japanese Statue - YO07010232

Item description - YO07010232 Dosojin Carved Stone, Japanese Statue - Dosojin or Dōsojin (道祖神) are well-loved Japanese Kami from Shinto philosophy. People believe that these friendly deities protect travelers on their trip and serve to protect paths and boundaries. Dōsojin come in many different forms such as carved stones, individual statues and other ornaments. They are often depicted as a human couple, which is also a symbol of marriage and fertility.

Dōsojin can be found at many different places in Japan. Small rural towns often place them along the towns boundaries, mountain paths and in front of bridges. They are also frequently integrated in Hokora, which are small Shinto shrines along the road.

• Origin: Nagoya, Aichi prefecture, Japan
• Material: Hirukawa stone (蛭川石)
• Age: Edo period
• Condition Rating:

Model and sizes

Model: Length: Width: Height: Price:
YO07010232 16 cm 27 cm 47 cm € 775.00

EUR: 775.00  ≈  EUR:  775.00

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#Dosojin #JapaneseShintoStatue #JapaneseDeityStatue #JapaneseAncestorDeity #JapaneseKamiStatue #JapaneseShrineStatue #JapaneseGardenDecoration #JapaneseGardenOrnament #JapaneseAntiques #HirukawaStone #Nagoya #EdoPeriod Copy


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